Posts Tagged ‘Travel’

Strawberries, mmmm!

So, my friend Dana is harassing me to add something to my blog.  So Dana, this one’s for you!  And just to let you know it’s almost 40 degrees here too…but we have the lake to cool off in!

Ah Strawberry season.  There’s nothing quite like fresh picked strawberries, especially when you don’t have to pick them.  My mom and I took a drive to Hadishville and picked up strawberries at M&E Strawberry farm.  It’s only a couple dollars more to have them picked and all you have to do is pick up the basket and take them home for cleaning!

I’ve eaten so many, I think I’m going to turn into a strawberry!


One of my most favorite places to visit is the Vancouver Aquarium.  Even if I’m only in Vancouver for a day, I have  to go there.  Here is one of the many photographs I took, while watching the Dolphins.


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